

Q&A Summary of PVMA Virtual Town Hall

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Important Message Regarding COVID-19

Gain practical advice on managing your clinics through this public health emergency. Many PVMA members are calling us for practical advice on managing their clinics through this public health emergency, especially in areas such as Montgomery County, where the Governor has recommended the closing of all non-essential businesses. While each situation is unique, here are […]

Illegal Practice of Veterinary Medicine

PVMA has received many reports of bovine technicians engaging in the practice of veterinary medicine without a license, specifically performing ultrasounds and issuing diagnoses. In the past, the state of Pennsylvania fined three individuals and ordered them to cease and desist their activities. We have received reports that some of these individuals have not stopped […]

Save the Date: August 15 is “Check the Chip Day”

Check the Chip Day is meant to serve as a reminder to pet owners to check and update their pets’ microchip registration information. Microchips are very effective for identifying lost pets and reuniting them with their families, but the happy ending can’t occur if the microchip registration isn’t correct – or if the chip has […]