Definition of a Pet
PVMA’s Position Pet shall mean: A domesticated animal that has been bought, bred, raised or otherwise acquired and maintained in accordance with local, state and federal laws for the primary purpose of providing companionship and/or enjoyment to the owner. The owner must show that the animal has received adequate care including, but not limited to: […]
Pets as Property
PVMA’s Position The Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association (PVMA) is dedicated to the advancement of animal welfare and we feel very strongly that animals are not property in the same way that tables, lamps, or cars are property. We further believe that owners should be allowed to prove that pet animals have economic values above their […]
Non-Economic Damages
PVMA’s Position The Pennsylvania Veterinary Medical Association is dedicated to the advancement of animal welfare. We support the resolution drafted by the Council of State Governments and adopted by their governing board in September 2004. We do not support any legislation that would elevate the rights of animals above the rights of people. Notice: JavaScript […]