

Guidance on Veterinary Practices Amid COVID-19 Pandemic from PA’s Department of Health, Department of State & Department of Agriculture

On March 19, 2020, Governor Wolf and the Secretary of Health ordered the closure of all non-life-sustaining businesses to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The Governor’s Order is available here and the Secretary of Health’s Order is available here. All life-sustaining businesses maintaining physical operations during the COVID-19 pandemic must follow the Secretary of Health’s worker safety order, effective […]

Essential Businesses for a Safe Food Supply – Guidance from the PA Department of Agriculture

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania recognizes the critical role production agriculture, agribusinesses, food processors and manufacturers, retailers, and the entire distribution and support network from farm to table play in assuring a safe, reliable food supply. The PA Department of Agriculture has developed a guide with links to articles with recommendations for farms to limit exposure […]